Abnormally attracted to all things colourful with an obsessive attention to detail. Mum to two miniature poodle boys. Nail lacquer fanatic. Tea addict. Scrabble enthusiast. History buff. Madonna freak.
Small white flowers on holo purple
Essence Real Holo n° 02 Holo Moly
acrylic colours
round silver nail art studs
Kiko 3 in 1 Shine fortifying fast dry base/top coat
Today is National Barbie Day and I did these nails to commemorate it!
Here's what I came up with!
Started with a base of pink skittles; starting at thu...
Vanhat paletit - Ostaisinko uudelleen Part 2
Kovasti toivoitte jatko-osaa postaukselle vanhoista paleteista joten tässä
vieläkin vanhempia ;) esim nuo Diorit on kokoelmani ensimmäisiä, voi sitä
Веселящий газ: мода, польза или риск?
В последнее время веселящий газ, или закись азота, приобрёл огромную
популярность. Это вещество стало настоящим трендом на вечеринках и в кругу
друзей. Л...
Berichtje voor leerjaar 6
Hallo leerjaar 6!
Zoals je ziet, kan hier van alles neergezet worden.
Bijvoorbeeld dat ik Spongebob heel stom vind. Maar is dat wel waar? Geloof
niet al...
Dior · Rouge Blush Colour & Glow
Dior recently launched Rouge Blush Colour & Glow available in contour
and highlighter duos, as well as blush and highlighter duos — with both
A Conclusive Guide on How to Become a Bookie
How well are you aware about the bookie business? That is a bookie? What
Artikel A Conclusive Guide on How to Become a Bookie pertama kali tampil...
Issue with Pictures
As I write this (around 10 p.m. Pacific US time on Dec. 5th), there is a
problem with my image host, so no photos are showing up for my blog posts.
I've ju...
Inktober 2023 - Day 31: "Fire"
Inktober is officially over! 31 days of nail art, all done in gel, all hand
painted by me!
To round it all off, here's "fire" for our last day.
Which d...
35+ Ben Franklin Quotes From The Way to Wealth
Success requires determination. In a world full of distractions, doubters,
and ceaseless obstacles, it is those who have a resolute and firm purpose,
Copper Ballet
ILNP Ballet Slipper is a soft bronzed pink holographic polish.
Alone it is a bit sheer for my taste, but as a layering polish it's just
I paire...
Where I've Been and Where I Am
Depression is a bitch, let me tell ya. It zaps my energy, motivation and
desire to do anything, even the things I love to do, like taking pictures
of beau...
Ice ice baby! Hollywood-trenden med is som hudvård
Visste du att is är en supereffektiv primer som används i Hollywood? Läs om
alla sätt du kan använda is på i din nya hudvårdsrutin! Skippa dyra
OPI Scotland
From kilts to bagpipes, unicorns and the legendary Loch Ness monster, OPI
Scotland collection is here with 12 new fall nail polish shades. This
Derma E: Anti-Acne Skincare
*PR Sample*
If you are one of my Instagram followers, you know my love for DermaE
products. DermaE has been a part of both my morning and evening skincare ...
*The only way to do great work is to love what you do.*
Poznaš ta pregovor? Meni se zdi kar resničen oz. vidim, da pri meni res
velja. Ker opravljam kar...
Sorry I've been absent so long.
This is me now that my hair has grown out Hello,
It has been a while. Life gets busy and priorities change. My nails are
always still painted, but I hav...
Boss Up de Kinetics | Colección Verano 2019
Hoy os presento *Boss Up*, la nueva colección de *Kinetics Nails *para este
verano, cargada de 8 colores vivos y neones, inspirados en la vida y el
deseo, ...
En avslappningsmassage mot fibromyalgi
God dagens folket och hjärtligt välkomna tillbaka hit. Jag har märkt att ni
gillar de inlägg då jag rekommenderar ett företag eller olika produkter,
Blogi jää tauolle
joo tosiaan blogi jää nyt määrittelemättömän pitkälle tauolle. Aika ei vain
nyt riitä enään kaikkeen ja toisaalta lukijoita ei enään ole ollut
Ya'll ain't gonna believe this $#!+ ......
Ya'll KETO is so popular that the library books have been all checked out
and or placed on hold for months to come.
I'm currently at the Library because m...
Impress Manicure Christian Siriano Collection
Hey beauties! Today I want to share Impress Manicure "press on nails" with
you, specifically, the Christian Siriano collection. I've been rocking
Устраиваю очередную мега-распродажу, не побоюсь этого слова. Более 150
лаков и пластины для стемпинга.
Цен ниже найти невозможно, отдаю не даром лишь потому...
Note to Visitors of Let them have Polish
Hello readers,
I just want to say that the years I spent running this blog were
absolutely wonderful. I met many amazing people. I had the pleasure of
Blogin uusi osoite
Heipä hei!
Wordpress alkaa vihdoin olemaan riittävän valmis. Jossain kohtaa pitää
kyllä päivittää varmaan sinne maksullisen sivupohjan puolelle, että saa
Väriloistoa ja blingblingiä
Nämä kynnet tein pari viikkoa sitten kaverille. Hän valitsi hiuksiinsa
sopivia värejä, ja nämä värit sointuvatkin kauniisti yhteen myös kynsillä.
Höstnytt från Depend
Igår hämtade jag ut ett pressutskick med två nya höstkollektioner från
*Depend*. Jag blev riktigt pepp när jag såg dem, jag känner ett sug efter
mörka nagl...
Urban Decay Naked The Perfect 3Some Vault
So I'm back with another haul for you guys.
This haul is of the urban decay naked the perfect 3some vault.
In this cosmetic vault set you get the naked 1 ...
I'm back?
Že precej časa je minilo, odkar sem nazadnje spisala objavo za ta blog.
Osamljen sameva v blogerski sferi in čaka, da se spet spomnim nanj. Že
večkrat s...
Vähän onnistuneempi tuplaleimaus
Ajattelin kokeilla pitkästä aikaa jotain vaaleaa lakkaa kynsille. Picture
Polishin Magic on kyllä tosi nätti lakka, mutta vaatii peittääkseen kolme
Mitä on Nailway?
Heippa ihanaiset ja oikein aurinkoista torstaita! ♥
Kuten edellisessä postauksessa teille jo kerroinkin, niin meikäläinen
pakkaa siveltimensä ja glitterin...
Out Of Space Love
Käväisin taas Essence-hyllyillä haalimassa kaikkea ihanaa. Sinne oli tullut
noita Out Of Space Stories-lakkoja, ihania holoja ja duochromeja ja
Mijn nieuwe Lacquester lakjes zijn er!
Vandaag heb ik de Blogger App gedownload om te kijken of bloggen vanaf de
telefoon sneller gaat!
Ik heb geen idee hoe de tekst en foto's geplaatst gaan w...
Project Polish 2017 - Tammikuu
Vuoden alussa aloitin Project Polish 2017 haasteen, jonka tarkoituksena on
käyttää loppuun vanhempia lakkojani, jotta saisin ne laatikoista pois
Nearly nude
Siinäpä otsikko, jolla saan varmasti mukavia osumia blogiini, mutta tuo
vaan kuvastaa tämän (ja monen muunkin) hetken fiilistä kynsien kanssa.
Päätän aina...
Hello Lovely Ladies! I have been writing and re-writing this post in my
head for a few months now… inching my way towards this final decision,
mulling it o...
Dot Dot Dotticure
I have the first manicure of 2017 here at Polish This! for you guys today!
I wanted to do something clean and fresh, so I decided to go with a simple
Painted Polish NYE Trio Swatches & Review
press sample
Hi guys! Hope you all had a nice weekend, mine was good! Today I have the
NYE Trio for 2016 from Painted Polish to share with you. This trio i...
Nail art // Best of Paint All The Nails
Hi loves! Wow, talk about a loooong pause. Last time I updated this blog
was June 27th, and the post coming up today might be the actual last one
Höhö, kukkaisteemaa joulukuussa. Antakaa anteeksi mutta näitä vaan oli
kertynyt arkistoon :D Tai voishan tässä myös laulaa että onkos tullut kesä
jne. Heko...
My stamping journey - part 60
It's time for part 60 - including take 209, 210 and 211!
Take 209
*Take 209:* The base is Pahlish Pride stamped with Moyra 19 light pink,
plate Flowers-0...
China Glaze Moonlight The Night
Хочу сегодня показать очень интересный топ. И осенний и зимний. На
темных лаках он похож на осеннюю листву - такой же зелено-золотой. А на
светлых лака...
Daydreamer Gel Marbling with a Textured Accent Nail
[image: Daydreamer Nail Art @chalkboardnails]
Hi everyone! I'm off to New York City this week for a really amazing
opportunity... I can't wait to share m...
Creepy or cute cupcake you be the judge!
Hi Everyone! Happy Sunday to you all. It is a gorgeous Fall day out here
today in Wisconsin! The sun is shining the leaves are hitting peak colors
and t...
Kiko #808 Rosa Anguria Perlato
Rieccomi qui per mostrarvi uno smalto molto classico rispetto ai miei
soliti standard, ovvero il Kiko #808 Rosa Anguria Perlato della linea Qu...
Dazzle Dry Glitter Gradient
Good Morning Lovelies!
I always have the best intentions of trying to post more often, but it
never fails that life gets in the way and there is no time fo...
Nákupy za srpen a září
Mám tady shrnutí nákupů a protože je to za dva měsíce, bude to zase dost
dlouhé, varuji vás předem :-)
Snažím se nekupovat nové sprcháče, protože jich mám...
Polish Con 2016!
Hey guys! I know it's been way, way, WAY too long since I have updated this
blog! I won't bother going into all the craziness that has been going on
in my...
October Fan's Choice Poll
I've gone through the comments on my submission video and picked a baker's
dozen of the suggestions to be voted on - please check out the poll in the
New Post!
via IFTTTOpi You Don't Know Jacques in infinite shine... top coat is kind
of dull but application is great. 💅 #opi #infiniteshine #nailpolish
essie - coconut cove
Hi Mädels,
ich habe heute *essie - coconut cove* aus der *essie viva antigua! Sommer
2016 Kollektion* für euch.
Die Farbe von coconut cove möchte ich als F...
piCture pOlish Summer
piCture pOlish julkaisi uusia lakkoja viikko sitten ja yksi uutukaisista on
kauan odotettu *Summer*. PP on julkaissut viimeisen vuoden aikana neljä
Fortune Cookie Soap Fall 2016 Soap Box!
HELLO! I know, it's not nail polish. But just as exciting!
I have been OBSESSED (putting it mildly) with the Fortune Cookie Soap
company for going on 4 y...
Velký výprodej - SLEVY
V PŘÍPADĚ ZÁJMU PIŠTE NA dayspassion@gmail.com !
Vše je v solidním stavu, dle fotografií, pokud má nějakou vadu, je u dané
věci zmínka.
- osobní předán...
Blog Sale - July 2016!
Hello, Beautiful!
Welcome to my July 2016 blog sale! This is the FINAL MARK DOWN sale. No
further discounts (and because I've lowered the prices so much, n...
Freehand Fairies with 3D wings
Hi Everyone,
I did this mani about 3 months ago for a freehand contest. I made a Fairy
Forest with flowers, a little creek, cute bunny, mushrooms (or sho...
Pillow Project + black & white Nails
Hi everyone! Dropping by, because it's been waaay to long since I last
posted. Not because I don't enjoy doing my nails anymore, but because I've
been bus...
Hello Kitty by OPI Swatches and Review Part 1
Released in January, the much anticipated Hello Kitty by OPI collection has
arrived! I have to break this up into 2 posts so stay tuned for the other
Nail Art: Don't Be Blue
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
by Eleanor Roosevelt
This particular nail art is yet again ... personal. Yes, it is a floral
I can finally say it now...
If you follow UberChic Beauty, you might've already seen the latest release
which includes Collection 7... and that collection has a few of my mandalas
on ...
2015 Beauty Favourites
Happy New Year!
I'm not sure how 2015 went by so fast. I honestly wore nail polish just a
few times last year, but I still wanted to post my 2015 Beauty fa...
Mor Gradient
Bu tarz renk değişimli manikürleri çok seviyorum. Fakat bazen güzel çıkıyor
bazen çıkmıyor. Bu seferki hiç de fena olmadı :D
Elimde tuttuğum ne d...
Destash update!
Hi all -
I have been updating my Storenvy every weekend - please check it out if you
haven't recently! I've decided to only keep the polish I LOVE instead...
p2 Heat Some Cocoa
Ich möchte heute eine kleine Liebeserklärung an einen Lack posten. :D
Er ist im Standardsortiment, passt perfekt in den Herbst (und zu meinem
Kalender für ...
Hiljaa. Niin hiljaa. Monta viikkoa. Tuli flunssa. Iski kiinni, asettui
taloksi. Viikon jälkeen meinasi hellittää otettaan, mutta päättikin sitten
alkaa pur...
Naked nailsin loppu
Hei kaikki ihanat Naked nailsin lukijat! Tiedän hiljaiseloni jatkuneen jo
ainakin kolme kuukautta, ja se johtuu ihan vain innostuksen puutteesta.
Jotenkin ...
Bonjour tout le monde! :) Comme je me suis rendue compte qu'il y'avait
encore pas mal de visites sur ce blog, je vous informe que je n'écrirai
plus ici sur...
P2 Volume Gloss - Cherry Counter
Passend zu Herbstanfang trage ich heute ein schönes gedecktes Kirschrot.
Cherry Counter aus der Reihe der Volume Gloss Gel Look Polishes von P2 hält
was ...
Hårvårdsevent med Kevin Murphy och Living Proof.
Kors i taket, ett inlägg! Ja, jag ursäktar den långa frånvaron, det kom ett
bröllop, nytt jobb och semester emellan, och jag ska ärligt säga att det
I Heart Makeup Nail Geek ~ Wild at Heart (39)
Hello everyone! How is your Summer finishing up? August was great for me,
I went to the seaside, plus we had an amazing week of camping with our
Society, ...
I’m moving!
Kära alla fina läsare! Nu flyttar jag äntligen. Detta har jag tänkt göra så
himla länge. Det ska bli så skönt att få börja om från början. Ni följer
väl me...
JORD Fieldcrest Series in Maple
We recently partnered up with JORD watch to provide you with a review of
something new. In the past recent years Milan and I have become quite fond
of w...
Preview: Essence "Make Me Pretty" Trend Edition
[image: Essence Make Me Pretty Trend Edition]
*Beauty experts… with its brushes for every style, the new trend edition
“make me pretty” by essence ensures ...
Räikeetä nurtsii
Pikainen paluu pääsiäiseen..? No ei, nää oli vaihteeks semmoset kynnet,
että mulla ei ollut mitään ideaa mitä lakkailis. :D Kaivoin laatikosta
lakkoja ja ...
The Digit-al Dozen DOES Fandom, Day 5: Doctor Who!
Good morning, readers! It's time for the final post of *Fandom Week *with
The Digit-al Dozen. I had to bring it back to my favorite fandom for nail
art: *D...
Recently I've been wearing a lot of previously posted favourites, so I
haven't had much new to share. Sometimes I get into a rut with a polish or
two and j...
Mod Lacquer - American dreams
Rött är alltid rätt. Här med pyttesmå guldglitter eller om det möjligen är
glassflecks. Underbar Formula och det är snarare pin up-rött än tant-rött.
Fire... BAD!
This challenge was to create nails inspired by a movie. I chose
Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein.
I used a combination of techniques, including spong...
A volte ritornano…
Eccomi qui, di nuovo.Sono sparita per un bel po’ e chiedo scusa per questo
sia a chi mi seguiva sia alle aziende con cui collaboravo. I motivi?
Alelakkahamsteri vauhdissa
Nämä Seppälän "The I love this glitter nail polish" -lakat lienevät jo
kaikille tuttuja. Tulen kuitenkin vähän jälkijunassa, sillä ihastuin näihin
vasta ny...
Pari Essietä pikaisesti kynsille
Huomasin tämän Essien Sparkle on Top -lakan yllättäen kaupparesissulla, ja
se oli saatava heti :) Pohjalle lakkasin Mind Your Mittensin, koska
tummalta poh...
Throwback Thursday....(on Friday!!)
This is an oldie but a goodie. *OPI Jade is the New Black* came out back in
2010 in the Hong Kong Collection. It the perfect green creme.
Natural Sunligh...
3. valentínsky tip: Oblečte si sexi prádlo!
Dúfam, že o tomto čase už máte za sebou pekné prebudenie do valentínskeho
rána, deň strávený s vašim vyvoleným a teraz si tiež užívate večer pri
nejakej p...
A Indonesia Bra Just For You
Source :
Lets Do it Gothic
China Glaze Lets Do It In 3-D stamped with Moyou London Gothic 10.
Reminds me a bit of Labradorite. Plus, Jesus on my thumbs. Which to me is
Kissa pöydälle
On maaliskuu 2014 ja postissa saapuu kasa lakkoja. Tämähän ei poikkea
muista kuukausista millään tavoin....tiedän, että te nyökyttelette nyt
A rainbow gradient
Hey everyone.
I've always wanted to try out the vertical gradient look, but could never
seem to get the colours to blend well. It finally worked for me thi...
Top Ten Polishes I Hope to Find in 2015
It’s that wonderful time of the year again! No, not Christmas (although
that is wonderful), it’s the time when I do my monster, epic 2014 year in
review po...
OPI Nail Polish Rack Storage Idea - Watches
Greetings! I thought I'd share this with all of my nail polish fanatics.
This is an OPI professional nail polish storage
system that I converted into a wat...
A Whole Bunch of Thrifty Finds!
I realised I haven't done Thrifty Finds post for absolute months, so here
is almost everything I have found in one long post!
All things kitsch with She...
Salon Perfekt, Playful Plum
Ostatnio na nowo polubiłam się z ciemnymi lakierami. Jakoś tak wyglądają
elegancko :) A może to pogada tak nastraja... sama nie wiem, ale wiem za
to, że l...
alizarine.se heart instagram
Remember when I wrote that "I'll post regular updates" thing a while ago?
Yeah it kinda didnt't happen. So guess what?!? I got my nail persona self a
Nailnation 3000 Swatches and Review: Part 1
Hello dear readers!
I'm very excited to show you my first review for Nailnation 3000 polishes.
This time, I will be showing you 4 holographic finish nail p...
A Touch of Blue!
Hi loves,
Wow, long time eh! I've been on a thinking lodge this week on the decision
to continue blogging or not, still being TipsandTopcoat but just moving...
Kun omistaa lilan (vai violetti.. mikä se on?) ripsivärin, mikään ei voi
olla pielessä. Näyttää ihan normaalilta varjossa, mutta valon osuessa
ripsiin, ysä...
Vegan Cuts Beauty Box Review
Hello to all my readers out there!
I've got a beauty box to review today (exciting)! Danielle from Vegan Cuts
got in touch with me to review their nail bea...
Pengalaman Wisata Ke Pulau Moyo Sumbawa
Pengalaman Wisata Ke Pulau Moyo Sumbawa - Ketika saya pergi di sebuah jalan
perjalanan di Oktober 2013, tujuan utama adalah untuk mengetahui jika motor
Don't call it a come back...
...I'm just visiting. Geeze I've been gone for so long I forgot how to
compose a post. I recently did a haul and decided to do a wear test on
CDN's Vinylux...
Ensimmäisiä fiiliksiä Osakasta
Yli kaksi viikkoa on jo hurahtanut täällä ja kiirettä on pitänyt. On tässä
aika paljon jo ehtinyt nähdä ja kokeakin. :) Kiirettä on pitänyt uuteen
Don't Pretzel My Buttons
I would like to comply with this request, but really, OPI, you leave me no
Are you aware that the only similarity between the word “pretzel” and ...
Rouge Louboutin
I can't believe I bought this. I really can't. The more unbelievable thing
is that I totally got it for the packaging more than the nail polish in the
Rescue Beauty Lounge Italian Summer Collection 2014
From the official press release:
The whiff of cool ocean breezes tickling your hair and the gleaming sun
kissing and embracing your skin as you deeply bre...
Rainbow Honey Summer Mixtape!
Many of you already know about Rainbow Honey's latest collection, Summer
Mixtape, which launched just a few days ago. Here is a little review of
the thr...
11 months later and I’m awkwardly reincarnated, emerging fresh from nail
purgatory. I want y'alls opinion on something. Nails are a passion of
mine but...
Wow....been a busy week for me. First I have nail stuff and then I have
some puppy pics to share :)
First up is a simple design I did. I used J brand nai...
Holopigment till salu!
Jag beställde zip-lock påsar igår eftermiddag och fick dem hem med posten
idag, brevet är poststämplat igår söndag. Jag förstår inte ens hur det gått
till ...
More Instagram Updates
Some crazy gradient nails I did on my mom.
They are even more fun stamped.
Half moon manicure on a client.
My little pony nails on a wee one.
Another ha...
Ninja Polish: Ambrosia, Divinity, Shillelagh
Heyo! Today I'm posting a massive entry because I'll be showing 3 polishes
at once - all those *Ninja Polishes* that I own. Last autumn I was lucky
enough ...
Little update
I got too busy to post again. I've slowed down taking Clients and hardly
even snap photos anymore if I do. I've still got this shitty blackberry
camera b...
Up com: Breu - Panvel
Dando continuidade ao último post, aproveitei todo aquele brilho do EDK -
Emmet McCarthy pra dar uma incrementada com um pretinho básico, o Breu da
Waterfall nails using Born Pretty Store Nail Foil
Today I want to share with you a very pretty waterfall manicure I created
using silver holographic nail foil* from Born Pretty Store.
I started by painti...
30 pounds lost in 10 weeks
Well that's right I'm down 30 pounds! I hit a plateau for a couple weeks I
kept gaining and losing the same couple pounds that was frustrating but I
Swatch: KIKO’s Cupcake Nail Lacquer is HERE!
After the HUGE year of texture polishes, we now find almost every kind of
texture polishes everywhere. Pastels, bolds, neons, sparkles, pearls…now
Hair tutorial: Elsina krunibena frizura
Ovo definitivno nije uobičajeni post, niti uobičajena tema, niti će postati
redovita tema, no morala sam s vama podijeliti ovu jednostavnu a tako
Uusi sivu - A New Website
Hei kaikille,
jotka tänne vielä mahdollisesti satutte eksymään!
Kynsihommat on mulle nyt taaksejäänyttä elämää. Löysin kyllä kynsilakkoja,
joissa ei ole si...
Dove Chocolate and Nicole by OPI Sweepstakes
-Press Sample
Hey Guys!! Today's post is pretty cool, I think!! You all have the
opportunity to win nail polish AND chocolate---what's not to like about ...
The BIG move...
This is the last day on this blog platform.
I've been working on this move since august, with exporting, importing and
design. It's not an easy job! I even...
piCture pOlish Collab-Fest 2013
Hey there, friends!
It's been a while, hasn't it? Believe it or not, life has become even more
crazy AFTER I graduated! Wedding planning and work have pret...
Lilac Snow
Most people equate pastels with spring wardrobes, but to me it's always
been more natural to wear them in winter. My lovely soft Anthropologie
scarf arrive...
Rescue Beauty Lounge Lucciole
Hi guys!
Hope everyone is well and is having a great holiday season so far. Things
are still super busy and I'm beyond pooped with everything that I have to...
China Glaze Boo-gie Down
I know I'm a little late posting a Halloween color, but I haven't been
really keeping up with the new collections this year. I just saw this
sucker for the...
Vaaleanpunaiset huomiokynnet
Repsahdin pahemman kerran hillitömään tyttöilyyn ja sain aikaiseksi
överipinkit prinsessakynnet. Kynsillä on Seppälän Nails Rubber *Marshmallow*
ja My Col...
Nail art: Dots all around!
Come state passando la domenica?
Io oggi non mi sento al top e sto lentamente mettendo in moto tutto il
corpo… Sarà anche il freddo ;)
Ecco che...
Fascinating Flowers
[image: a england Elaine + Cirque Fascination Street (flower nail art)]
[image: a england Elaine + Cirque Fascination Street (flower nail art)]
[image: a eng...
Hyvästi teipeille!
Nyt tuli pyöräytettyä niin oman näköiset ja värimaailmaltaan hieman
vaihtelevammat kynnet. Rakastan kolmiomanikyyrejä yli kaiken, mutta olen
todennut teip...
NOTD : Light me up a cigarette
Hello ladieees !
Cum v-am promis , postez mai des ! Sper sa ma tin de treaba si sa nu va mai
dezamagesc :)) .
Astazi va prezint o manichiura putin mai ciuda...
Pretty and Polished Me, Myself, and Cacti
August 17, 2013
This is two coats of Pretty and Polished Me, Myself, and Cacti! A fun and
funky neonish green jelly with black and white glitter. I stamp...
Red French
This post comes after a hiatus of over an year. Am I back to posting
regularly? Probably not. But here goes.
Yesterday I was in the mood for something simpl...
Believe in B.liv's Dump Off Drawn! I do!
I was contacted by B.liv weeks ago to try out their products. I have been
so lazy in applying any skin care products lately that I can already tell.
I mean...
Anyone out there?
Hi everyone! It's been one hot minute hasn't it? Between my last post and
now I honestly haven't been dressing my nails up like I use to. It's
depressing b...
Zoya Stunning Collection Swatches!
Hey guys! It's a stunning day and guess who is also looking very Stunning?
Zoya is with their new summer collection! Filled with bright creams and
these c...
The Sixties
Inspired by the sixties and by the Conceptual art, this nail art was
published in the last issue of the Love Nails magazine. I always thought it
was dif...
Owl love you forever - cute owl nail art!
This is a bit of a belated post because the day after I finished these
nails and posted them on instagram, I copped a mega chest infection and
have been kn...
Zoya 2013 Nail Polish Exchange
If you haven't heard already, Zoya Polish exchange is back for Earth
Day! Zoya is helping you do a little spring cleaning with the return of the
Earth Da...
Grape Set Match Under Ibiza Mix
Today I have OPI Grape Set Match, a shimmer in somewhat of a jelly base.
It was a bit sheer going on the nail even after 2 coats, so I knew I'd
need a to...
Zoya Phoebe
Hi everyone! Lazy weekend post ahead...
Zoya Phoebe, a matte polish, but I topped it with Seche Vite for that
ultimate shine. Whee! Have a wonderfu...
Be A Dahlia Won't You?
Hello everyone! ^^
This time I have another mani I made a while back, hence the square shaped
nails. :)
Be A Dahlia Won't You is one of my favorite OPI p...
CrowsToes Um, No...He Went To The Pawn Shop
I love this polish. LOVE! I seriously thought about buying a back up
bottle and it's very, very rare that I do that. It has an interesting
vintage feel to...
Cheap and Lovely Light Pink for Valentine's Day
I feel like always available and cheap polishes get overlooked. I'm guilty
of this. I tend to grab my salon brand or high end polishes first, and I
end up ...
Smitten Polish Update - New Collection Info and More
Hi folks! I have a bit of business to mention, then we'll get on to the
new collection.
As Smitten has gotten more and more successful (beyond my wildest ...
Déménagement du Blog !
Allez j’en profite pour faire du 2 en 1 ! Pour bien finir l’année, j’ai
décider d’en finir aussi avec ce blog. Du coup ça sera le dernier article
que vous ...
Urban Decay Mystery Travel Bag
So, I just received my most recent order from Urban Decay, and since it
included the Mystery Travel Bag, I thought I’d show everyone what’s in it!
The my...
Goodbye blogger!
Hi guys so I've decided to make a permanent switch to tumblr, but still as
base coat top coat
If you'd like to keep up with my latest nails check out
koitetaampas puhelinpäivitystä :)
Olen niin iloinen! Vanha sininen lakka, mikä ei ikinä, siis ei _ikinä_ ole
toiminut, olikin hyvin yhteistyö haluisella tuulella :)
Se on juuri niin magee mi...
Pitkästä aikaa tulin taas postailemaan. Mun on paljon tehnyt mieli laittaa
kynsiä, mutta aika ei vaan tunnu riittävän. Mä olen lakannut kynsiä niin
Contrary Polish The Islands Trio
Contrary Polish is a new to me brand. The owner Carrie was so nice and sent
me a whole bunch to share with you. Today, I have a newer collection from
her c...
Up to the test: Skin 79 BB cream
*In the Netherlands too, it's impossible to miss these little wonder
cremes. Big brands are constantly producing them and the smaller brands and
drugstore ...
Clouds In The Sky Nail Art
I'm terrible at coming up with names for posts like this one. And I'm also
terrible at updating this blog. But I have a very nice manicure to show you
Fall Giveaway Winner!
Hi ladies,
Fall Giveaway is over. Thank you everyone who participated. Stay tuned for
more giveaways. I will be holding another one very soon.
The lucky w...
Simple dots again
When I don't know what to paint I most often opt for some kind of funky
french or like this time for dots.
I planned on planting more rows on each nail ...
OPI I Don’t Give a Rotterdam
Why no, I Don’t Give a Rotterdam! Not after this crazy day of insane
humidity, rain, messed up appointments, and all and all craziness. I’m
afraid to go ...
Hi everyone.. just wanted to share some of my random nail arts...
check out my *BLOG SALE POST* for the new items and image plates available..
thanks for ...
A little announcement...
Hi guys!
I know I should have posted this note a long time ago, I'm sorry.
I'm done with this blog. I don't have enough time to run two of my blogs,
so I...
Tiistain iltapuhteena vähän jotain arjen luksusta.
Tein kaverille tällaiset viikonloppuna ja ne oli kyl nii kivat, että
minunkin piti saada samanlaiset =...
Meine Sammlung - Alle meine orangefarbenen Lacke!
Um mal wieder mit den *Sammlungsposts* voranzukommen, zeige ich euch heute
alle meine orangenen Lacke.
Wie ich schon hier und da angemerkt hatte, sind mein...
Lacquester — One night in Bangkok
[image: Lacquester - One night in Bankok] Oh, hi ..!
I've been dormant for ages, and this probably won't a recurring thing, but
this polish just needs a p...
Candy Nails - Good Enough to Eat!
I have recently been helping a friend with a Design Project, where she was
a creating a point of sale display for Topshop's Pastel Polishes - the
theme was...
Blog Sale
Okay, it's time for a blog sale! I've got a lot of interesting goodies.
**Everything has been re-inventoried and restocked! A few more goodies have
been ad...
Pretty Leopard Print Nail Art
Leopard print seems to be the most in thing this season. I see it
everywhere in the shops from clothing to accessories. This nail art
incorporates leopard ...
space flowers.
Kamalasti on ollut taas menoa ja kiirettä, ja kaiken hyvän päälle
onnistuin vielä saamaan itseni ihan kunnolla kipeäksi nyt. Onneksi muuten
on elämä nyt l...
Chanel Frisson — Swatches & Review
I was in NYC when the Roses Ultimes de Chanel collection launched. It
consists of four nail polishes and six Glossimers. I went to the SoHo
Chanel to check...
Haul + Random Mani
Feeling lazy when it comes to blogging, but I intend to blog regularly from
now on.
First up some polishes I bought from American Apparel.
I had a Teambu...
Hi again Last week I felt like using old favorites together. I’ve always
been crazy about the Konad m79 plate and Manglaze’s Mayonnaise. Since I
hardly f...
Winner of my Birthday Giveaway!
Wanna know who the winner is? Go to my new blog and check this post to see
if you are the winner. Thanks to all of you who entered and I hope to see
you ...
YAAAY they are all sent! Wendy is going to be handling them (I had
transactions with her before and I have no complaints; she also is used to
handling big ...
Pink Wednesday!
Hey lovely readers that is still here!! :)
I´m back!!! :) Well, I hope so and I´m gonna try my best to post more often
So today is Pink Wednesday and I...
Short notice
I apologize for the lack of post for 2 months, 2 MONTHS!! I should be
ashame of myself. >.< But I promise ill be back next week along with some
Ruby Kisses Nail Polish swatches part 1 of 3.
I recently discovered this brand when I was skulking through some old
school beauty salons 2 weekends ago. They were on sale for $1.25 and I saw
quite a fe...
piCture pOlish blog fest - Fairy Floss
Hello nail polish fans! I'm pleased to participating in Picture Polish's
Blog Fest. Over 60 bloggers from around the word are participating and
featuring a...
♥ Crackles and Ideas ♥
♥ Helwoo!
It's been a while- Again, I've totally been slacking off, So sorry D:
My finals are coming up soon so I've alot of study to do!
But I've made time...
Very Good Friday!
What a stunning day it has been today, like a mid-summers day.
Been outside lapping it up once again, getting quite a tan!
NOTD today is Barry M Berry Icec...
KONAD: What? And How?
What Is Konad?
Konad is a brand/company that has created a unique process (to the nail
world at least) for producing nail art. It consists of special polish...
Wet n Wild - Night Prowl
Tätä Wet n Wildin tummanviolettia glitterilakkaa himoitsin pitkään.
Kyttäsin sitä eBayssä kuukausia ja lopulta löytyi sellainen myyjä joka
postitti myös Su...
Catrice Swatches!
Als eerste een reminder om je in te schrijven voor mijn Surprise Puppy
Giveaway om negen Catrice lakjes van jouw keuze te winnen!
Ik heb een klein beetje z...
1 kommenttia:
Oh these are so pretty! Thanks for the swatches!
Sharleena xx
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