Friday, November 25, 2011

Hi guys... want to see something I made?

Click on the picture to enter my gallery!

Ah yes, sorry about the long break between posting something, but... I finally managed to finish my watercolour paintings & other drawings subpage - please feel free to visit and possibly leave a comment! I read and appreciate every comment even though I rarely reply to them (another theme which I wish to shine a light on... someday). Please click the picture above or follow this link to visit my little gallery! :) I also added a permalink to the side menu - you can click on the framed picture of Björk to the left of you if you want to revisit the gallery.


  1. Wow, you are very talented! I checked out all the art you have up and wow, just wow!! Amazing talent!

  2. Thank you! *blushes* :] Although I tend to think that I mainly copy the existing and don't create any "new" art. Perhaps someday, when I'm able to connect to my inner self, I'll be able to put out something truly unique.

  3. Wow you are an amazing artist! I literally can't draw to save my life. I am so jealous!

  4. Wow!! Gorgeous!! Awesome work, I have great respect for all of you talented people who know how to draw.

  5. Wow, this is absolutely amazing! You are incredibly talented! :D
